Should Drugs Be Legalized: Video Discussion

October 14, 2010admin No Comments »

Watch this with an open mind and come to the most logical conclusion. It hurts most people to open up to this thinking because it goes against conventional wisdom. Adults should be able to decide what to do to their own bodies (no this doesn’t count abortion…that is a separate body with separate DNA). Once they pose an immediate danger to another human being or infringe on another’s rights, then they should be charged with a crime.

Simple economics dictate that when things are legal, they are more easily accessible and therefore are cheaper. Cheaper drugs mean they make less money for the growers and producers, which then means less likelihood to spark turf wars between gangs and cartels. If less harmful drugs become legal and cheaper, then people who are addicted to more harmful drugs will have more of an opportunity to switch while they are trying to break free of their addiction.

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