Barbara Boxer Has Ego Larger Than Her State’s Budget Deficit!

June 19, 2009admin No Comments »

Senator Barbara Boxer

So we finally found out for certain that miss Barbara Boxer (US Senator from California) has quite the “God complex”.

During a hearing at the US Capitol on Tuesday, Brigadier General Michael Walsh with the Army Corps of Engineers dared call the lady Ma’am! Whhhhaaaat? No way! How dare he! Apparently miss Boxer thinks that is not an appropriate way for a Brigadier General in the military to address her. Ma’am was the first word in a response he was giving to a question miss Boxer asked of him. She decided after he let out a couple more words that she just had something very important to say that merited interupting his answer to the committee.

She stopped him from speaking and said “Could you say ‘senator’ instead of ‘ma’am? It’s just a thing. I worked so hard to get that title. I’d appreciate it.”

While reading blogs I have seen tons of Conservatives and Liberals bashing her terrible, self-centered, egotistical response to this member of the military calling her ma’am. No matter how you slice it, you realize how petty of a person she is. Either she has such issues with the US Military that she enjoys interrupting them and trying to make them feel petty, or she really thinks that she deserves respect just because she finally realized she can turn oxygen into CO2.

Brigadier General Michael Walsh is the only person in that conversation who has “worked pretty hard to deserve this [title]”. I cannot believe her incredible disrespect for someone who has served in the military for what I understand to be several decades, and voluntarily showed up to testify at a congressional hearing.

Miss Boxer has not “earned” the right to force or beg other people to call her by the title of Senator. At least now she shows the Country that she does not believe she is there as a servant of the people of California who she represents.

Whether or not you disagreed with her politics prior to this incident, I surely hope you will see how the power has gotten to her head during her time in office and how arrogant she is to people she should be thankful are out there sacrificing their lives so that she and her constituents can have and keep their 1st Amendment right that they so desperately use but have no respect for how it was achieved (Revolutionary War being a main cause).

The full story can be seen here

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